Culture & Entertainment

International Tea Day celebrated in Hong Kong

The International Tea Day (國際飲茶日) is celebrated annually on May 21, according to the United Nations (聯合國). This day aims to raise awareness (意識) of the long history and deep cultural and

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Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball manga series

Dragon Ball (龍珠) is a Japanese manga (漫畫) series written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama (鳥山明). The story follows the adventures of Son Goku (孫悟空)from his childhood through adulthood

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Are we humans evolved from fish?

When you think of human evolution (進化), there’s a good chance you’re imaginingchimpanzees (黑猩猩) roaming the ancient forests. It might sound bizarre to think

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Face-changing in Chinese Sichuan opera

Face-changing, known in Chinese as (變臉), is an ancient Chinese dramatic art (戲劇藝術) in which performers (表演者) wear brightly coloured costumes and multiple (多種的) masks that change as quick as lightning.

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